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Below is a list of services provided by Rowyn Tree, LLC. My services include a mixture of administrative and consulting services. For further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, I would be happy to discuss your business or firm needs to see how I can help!

Registered Agent

If you need a registered agent for your business, look no further. For a yearly rate of $125, I will provide registered agent services.

Digital Filing

While we may be in the 21st century, many businesses still have paper files that need to be digitized. If your business keeps staring at boxes full of files, just send me a message, I would be happy to convert them for you.


A large portion of my experience is in Estate Planning. If you are an Estate Planning law firm in need of affordable drafting services, I can help. NOTE: I am NOT an attorney, and all drafting services will be reviewed and approved by an attorney, and revised to correspond to their clients' needs.


In addition to Employment Relations consulting, if you are a start up business, or a business in need of administrative specialties, I would be happy to provide my advice on how to set up and maintain your administrative processies.

Business Research

Thinking of switching databases? Need information on new business practices? If you have no time to look into programs or projects, I can provide research with the information you need.

Oregon Notary Public

I am a Notary Public for the State of Oregon and would be happy to provide traveling notary services when needed.

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